Coverage is the basic problem in wireless sensor networks; it is the foundation that the whole mission can continue to be carried on. The best coverage is the basic problem of the application in wireless sensor networks; it is a measurement of supplying inspection and service of target tracking. How to achieve optimal coverage is key elements of the network ugg boots 2010 topology management, and it is related both energy efficient and reliable monitoring directly. It usually requires the completion of the monitoring task of the network under the premise of saving cheap polo shirts energy consumption as much as possible in order to extend the network best clothes blog lifetime. Coverage reflects the network monitoring and realization of the quality of the effect of target tracking. Coverage has attracted more and more attention in the relevant fields.This paper presents the discount wedding prom dresses coverage and connectivity problems of wireless sensor networks, make a detailed to the wedding dresses form china coverage problems of wireless sensor networks, outline on requiring urgent solution of wireless sensor network coverage issues, and gives a CGS (Controlled Greedy Sleep) algorithm based K-coverage, we adopt to difference sensing radius range coverage mode, utilizing the mended dresses 1std algorithm to gain the more in line with the practical application of network coverage rate and lifetime.